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Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
You may be asked by the planning authority for an ecological appraisal or biodiversity assessment, which needs to be submitted as part of the planning application for your project. This information about the flora and fauna present on site is gathered using an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey. Phase 1 Habitat Assessments are conducted in a wide range of environments, including industrial land, naturalised sites, gardens, nature reserves and along the banks of watercourses.
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys assess the potential for protected and Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) faunal species on the site in addition to the baseline ecological assessment. Other faunal species found during the survey are also recorded, and UK BAP Habitats can be identified. The Phase 1 Survey will reveal any ecological constraints to the project, allowing mitigation to be designed in order to allow the project to proceed. A description of the habitats on site and a full species list is included in the report, which contains recommendations for ecological improvements or additions to the proposals.
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys can be conducted at any time of year, however results are more comprehensive between April and September. If potential for protected or LBAP species exists on the site, further faunal surveys may be required in order to determine presence or absence of the species. Some of these surveys may be delayed until the active season of the species. Therefore it is prudent to undertake an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey as early in the development process as possible to avoid delaying the project until the next suitable survey season. Check our Survey and Mitigation Calendar for faunal survey periods.
BL Ecology can combine the Phase 1 Survey with other surveys requested by the planning authority, including surveys for bats, nesting birds, otter, water vole and white-clawed crayfish. The Phase 1 Survey also forms the basis of the site visit for BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes assessments.