Badger Surveys and Mitigation
Badgers are a common and widespread mammal across the UK and are the largest of the native mustelids. They can be found in both rural and urban locations, excavating setts predominantly within woodland and hedgerows, although setts have been found in a range of locations including caves, railway and road embankments, cliffs and open fields. Badgers are active at all times of year, however mating activity increases between February and May, when badgers will actively defend territories and setts. A typical badger territory is around 60ha, with optimum habitats including a mixture of woodland, pasture and arable land for foraging. Earthworms comprise 50% of the badger’s diet, with the addition of cereals, insects, fruits, birds and small mammals such as rabbit and hedgehog.
Historically badgers have been persecuted by badger baiting which has led to their full protection through the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. This protection prevents the killing or injury of badgers, damage or destruction of setts or disturbance within 30m without a derogation licence from Natural England. Badger surveys can be undertaken all year round however disturbance to setts under licence cannot occur between December and June inclusive, when badger cubs are born and reared underground.
BL Ecology are highly experienced in undertaking badger surveys and mitigation. Our ecologists can offer initial surveys and if presence is found, work with the client to develop a mitigation strategy to ensure legal compliance. This may involve altering the site design or if unavoidable, we can apply for a licence for sett closure and mitigation. In addition, BL Habitats can provide practical conservation services including badger exclusions and fencing